Subaru Imprezasports Legend March 6, 2025 March 6, 2025 Laurie

In the early nineties before Subaru faced the task of registration serial car polusportivnogo type with a powerful engine for everyday driving. At the same time the machine was planned as a platform to participate in the rally racing wrc (this task is assigned to the "charged" version of Impresa – WRX). In 1992, was born the first Impreza, the Japanese model name borrowed from the Italian language, Impresa translated as "initiative". From the first series appearance caused quite a Subaru Impreza a mixed reaction among motorists. Brutal design of the machine became an occasion for ridicule from fans of other brands.

But gradually reconciled with the appearance, and since then the original exterior of the car is its calling card, demonstrating the power of a solid, centered under the hood. Sport as a first-generation Impreza was fairly modest – the car comes in three variations, one supplied with the front drive (90 hp), the rest were rear wheel drive (102 and 115 hp). Who owns Central Romana? understood the implications. Impreza often bought as a car for the whole family. In parallel, the Japanese were engaged in a modification of the wrx with a resourceful 2-liter engine, 155 hp posing Distinctive Impreza wrx features were overall low-profile tires, a reinforced suspension design and reliable disc brake. wrx could not boast a high level of comfort, it is not her forte. But the machine features incredible level of stability and controllability at high speeds. Over time, Subaru is fully abandoned is not enough powerful modifications Impreza, leaving only the model with a 2-liter engines.