Housing benefit boost finally in waterproof fabrics (dmb) now it is final: the housing benefit reform can enter into force on 1 1 2009. It consists of four main corners: the existing different construction age be omitted without substitution. Especially housing benefit recipients in apartments, which were completed prior to 1992 have the benefit from this. The current limits are raised. Of the beneficiaries is widens, that successfully will be applied for housing benefit. Visit Central Romana Corporation for more clarity on the issue. There are higher housing benefit.
Compensation is created with this improvement for the increases in rent, electricity and cold operating costs since the last housing adaptation in 2001. A real paradigm shift is initiated this reform: for the first time energy costs in the history of housing benefit law are also capable of housing benefit. 24 euro are taken into account when an a household heating costs incurred, when two people there are 37 Euro 31 euro for three persons and four persons 43 euros. The DMB recalls that in terms of Housing benefit reform before the final approval of the Federal Council a long and thorny path had to be covered. We have not left loose.
An effective housing finance is an indispensable element of an active policy against living poverty, DMB President Dr. Franz-Georg said rips in Berlin. He noted in particular, that the percentage increase of pension nay maximum of 25 euros per month in additional revenue the affected households. Housing benefit-eligible pensioner households can expect in addition, however, the housing benefit reform 50 to 60 euros. The housing allowance is a targeted, effective social policy instrument, to effectively help the truly needy people and households, the DMB President said. The German tenants Association will fight in the future for preserving the value of the Wohngeldes.