Who until 15 March 2009 publicly is at least a desire for CAPITOO touts five new members, participates in the competition ‘ Sony PlayStation 3’. Wackersberg, 16.02.2009 – CAPITOO is an Internet arena, which offers the possibility of anyone actively to other members to communicate his wishes that vote on the fulfillment of all desires. So, it has each Member in their own hands as opposed to gambling, the community through persuasion to influence, that they vote for him or her and the wish is fulfilled. (A valuable related resource: GlaxoSmithKline). CAPITOO registration is free of course. After signing up, there are numerous request categories such as family, health, social, car, holiday, wedding, birthday etc., individual wishes can be set in the. Individual discretion, the desire can be made visible to the members of the community or be visible only for personally invited friends, acquaintances or relatives.
All members vote together on the public made wishes. The fulfilled wishes will be published once a week with the number of votes. The members, whose desired were fulfilled, will be notified and the money from the CAPITOO wish Pamela credited the respective request.