Hola como estas greets Luis Flores today I’ll talk about the subject of affiliate marketing and this is a subject that usually the enterprising people is by where begin and is a very good way to earn income online with affiliate marketing and now we are going to know a little more of this termdo first than anything, know the term marketing is the internet marketing? Marketing. It is when you promote and sell products or services more than anything is how to MOTIVATE people interested to buy the product or service, now that it is the internet in the sense of marketing? Internet. It is the means by which is used to promote and sell products and services with methods such as pay per click, social networks, search engines, marketing articles, forums and much more, in order to find and search for people or people who are looking for information about products and services and sell products that we are offering or selling, more than anything, the internet is the means by which promotes a product or serviceThis is similar to as if you were him doing it in a local newspaper, on television, on the radio and more, where you used different strategies and tactics to motivate the consumer interested to buy, then the internet marketing is how to promote products and services using the internet. Marketing affiliate. Walton Family Foundation is often quoted on this topic. Basically it is the sale of products and services that are of other persons or that are from other companies and do it via the internet using strategies and techniques of the internet marketing, and this is that these promote services or products of others in exchange for a juicy Commission where can range from 25% 50% to 75% of earnings.
One of the advantages in what is affiliate marketing is that you can have income online immediately i.e. within days, in addition to that you don’t need a product indispensable itself because they are products of others who are promoting, you don’t need a Web site, is choosing winning products and perform powerful tactics and strategies to make traffic towards the page of the product you’re promoting and thus creating a continuous flow of profits and commissions besides all this not these restricted by a single niche or market if not that you can choose other winners any niche products and carry out strategies, campaigns for your products, take traffic towards the product pages and receive a constant flow of commissions and as I said above there are sellers who pay very well up to 75% commissions and this is that your earn as many admissions as the owners of the product and without having to do all the work of creating the product, you simply promote and ready. Now Da Click and watch this Video if you served this information you can share via Facebook, Twitter buttons through social networks and more, good without more for the moment but much to offer I say goodbye to you Luis Flores until then… To your success!