summaries and summaries Archives - Castle Anorak Creating Themed Castle Events And Parties Sun, 26 Jan 2025 11:32:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Solutions Attitudes Sun, 26 Jan 2025 01:18:18 +0000 This text deals with to the crises lived deeply for airline TAM and its attitudes taken for the management of the restored crisis. Passing later to be reference for other companies ahead of its attitudes and its persistence before the society. Words Key: Crises; Solutions; Management of Crisis ARTICLE day 31 of October of 1996...

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This text deals with to the crises lived deeply for airline TAM and its attitudes taken for the management of the restored crisis. Passing later to be reference for other companies ahead of its attitudes and its persistence before the society. Words Key: Crises; Solutions; Management of Crisis ARTICLE day 31 of October of 1996 was marked by a great tragedy which reed-echo in everybody. An aerial disaster occurrence in the city of So Paulo with an aircraft of company TAM mobilized the country beyond reing-echo in the world. For if dealing with (at the time) one of the biggest occurred air accidents in Brazil.

The attitudes taken in lower court for the vice-president of Marketing of the company without the ownership of a manual of crisis management, as well as the too much attitudes taken in elapsing of the situation and for the too much crises solved for had the same served of example for the proper one and other companies of aviation. Its frieza and caution (characteristic of a good gerenciador of crisis had taken) it to take coherent attitudes before that situation. Therefore at a crisis moment, the first step is to have calm to be able to lead the actions in efficient way and not to unchain a effect panic cascade. Soon after this, the first attitude taken before an air accident is if to worry about the victims, verifying if has survivors and if it has possibility to save lives and to give the possible aid all. in case that it does not have survivors, must be looked for to understand what it caused the problem, that is, to make a search for the black boxes of the airplane to select what it was said and the data of the aircraft times before the fall. Therefore beyond the company the society has headquarters of information and if treating to an airplane fall, this rees-echo in a world-wide attention, not only for the interest of the victims and yes for the interest that the catastrophes despertam in the public opinion.

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Good Anxiety Sat, 30 Jan 2021 12:33:31 +0000 ANXIETY is good or bad? Let us say that everything needs balance. In our contact with the reality, it is common ahead to develop feelings of happiness and gratitude of successes and feelings of disillusionment and suffering ahead of our failures. Ahead of our sufferings we start to detect as ‘ ‘ perigo’ ‘ real...

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ANXIETY is good or bad? Let us say that everything needs balance. In our contact with the reality, it is common ahead to develop feelings of happiness and gratitude of successes and feelings of disillusionment and suffering ahead of our failures. Ahead of our sufferings we start to detect as ‘ ‘ perigo’ ‘ real or imaginary everything what it threatens our security and tranquilidade, either. Costumamos also to develop a series of reactions ahead of the situations that we judge threatening, reactions which we call anxiety. Anxiety is closely on to the change situations, a time that we will have to leave the rhythm with which we are accustomed, what it moves with our security. Therefore, all we try anxiety at some moments of our lives. Anxiety is a normal emotion, as the sadness or the joy and until a certain desirable point, since it can stimulate intelligence and the creativity, beyond stimulating in them for necessary changes. We can say that the anxiety becomes an upheaval when it keeps its degree raised for a drawn out period more of what, for example, some situation of crisis that is passing, and/or when is overcome incapacitante, making it difficult or disabling our daily activities.

Pathological the inadequate anxiety/can be characterized of diverse forms, as for example: phobia specifies, fear of one definitive one stimulates (animal, height, blood), social phobia (fear of being evaluated negative by other people), upheaval of the panic (fear of the physical sensations of the anxiety), among others. The anxiety presents emotional and physiological reactions. The emotional reactions are on to the fear and if they present as discomfort, intranquilidade, apprehension. The diffuse if manifest anxiety in the individual that interprets a great variety of situations as threatening and resulted probable apprehension for favorable, the individual tends if withholds to the negative and threatening aspects of the situations of daily. It is included, still, tension, internal fidget, oppression and subjective discomfort, exaggerated concerns, sleeplessness, unreliability, irritability, desconcentrao, desrealizao, depersonalization (rupture with the personality), etc. The physiological reactions are on to the tension and appear as sudorese, taquicardia, oppression in the thorax or epigastro, pains muscular, chronic headache, mouth dry, queimao in the stomach, or still diarria, nauseas, vomit, giddiness, turvao in the sight. As the symptoms they are diverse, being able to sugestionar other patologias, the initial work of the doctor is in excluding other illnesses that can have similar symptoms to the caused ones for the pathological anxiety. For in such a way, some clinical examinations can be necessary, however most important anamnese is the detailed story of information harvested of the patient during the consultation/.

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