Facing the Challenge of Success January 20, 2025 January 26, 2025 Laurie

The stories are moving and anything can happen unexpectedly. What solution do you have when you present this? Are you ready to be removed the cheese? Open the way in this complex world of work is more difficult than finding the path of transcendent realities, but we must face the challenge of comprehensive development of the potentialities people's human, requiring complex processes of profound transformation in the views, motivations and values that have guided us so far and inspired. We invite you to change this attitude of dependence wage an entrepreneurial attitude and freedom in which each individual is a human capital needs to invest, enhance and multiply by managing not only financial and material resources, but also the talents and creativity that is widespread within of many people who expected a minimal opportunity for change, because it puts aside the aspirations of progress personally and professionally watertight. Steven Holl is often quoted as being for or against this. "Employment is a short term solution to a problem long term," Robert T. Kiyosaki "The eighth deadly sin is: The Conformist" If your friend is within this group of entrepreneurs and non-conformist who has not found a way to channel all your skills and creativity to achieve economic independence, so "Decide A FACING THE CHALLENGE OF SUCCESS "which is in the form of opportunities, which offer" New economic trends and technological development to generate revenue through the crisis "No need to leave the country, nor family, nor his work; Rather, it should gradually cut the umbilical cord of a job 'safe' and fortnights "stable" to undertake new projects that can change the course of his life with the simple desire: DO IT! If you give away this opportunity today to be prepared (a) for employment when it happens separation or loss of income without have to suffer a career setback, if not starting then to enjoy a host of successes and satisfactions of a seed having been planted on time, will be ready to produce the crop. "Men who try to do something and fail are definitely better than trying to do nothing and succeed. "Jose Luis Anzorena.